Thursday 30 October 2014

13 weeks today...

So I hit the 13 weeks mark today!! Yaaaaaay!!

I have to say, I feel loads better. Just a little more tired in the evenings, but my eating patterns are back to normal (actually seems like I have increased appetite) nausea is gone (hopefully forever), my upset stomach seems to have gone to the extreme opposite (from going up to 5-6 times a day, I now go once a day, or once every second day). Which is fine by me.

I've started getting some cramps in my abdomen, which is probably round ligament pain and stretching of the uterus, use to have it around week 6-8 but nothing since then up until now. As long as there's no bleeding, I just take it as growth happening.

I have my Nuchal Transluncency Scan appointment next week at Panorama's Prenatal Genetic and Fetal Medicine Centre (we'll just call it the fetal centre). I've included a summary of what this scan entails below:
The ultrasound performed at 13 weeks is the Nuchal translucency (NT) scan. The scan examines the area at the back of the fetal neck for increased fluid. During the scan the fetal nasal bone and heart will also be examined to determine the risk of Down syndrome, other common chromosomal defects as well as certain major structural defects.
At the time of the NT scan at 13 weeks, all the information is entered into a computer programme, and the risk of Down syndrome of the fetus scanned, determined.

For some reason, I'm not too worried about the scan, the risks of downes' normally associated with it, is not in my family, nor the hubby's. For my gynae, this is just a routine check that all her expecting clients go through. I'm just really excited to find out what it is, and I'm hoping they'll tell me there.

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