Thursday 16 October 2014

11 Weeks Today!!

I'm truly hoping that the worst of the first trimester is over, during week 6-8 I had the worst nausea, no vomiting though (drinking ginger and peppermint tea really helped to curb it). But the constant nausea and fatigue was intolerable, I remember telling hubby that I don't think I'll be able to endure another 6-7 months of this, just the joys of knowing that the HCG hormones are increasing.

But thankfully, it subsided, only to be replaced by a continuous upset stomach, which is slowly starting to ease up. My biggest pain (literally) right now is my swollen gum (it looks like I have an infected tooth) to the right of my mouth and I just want to rub ice on them. Eating is almost impossible, unless I want to cringe all the way through my meal. I've had teeth and gum issues prior to falling pregnant and I am expecting it to worsen over this pregnancy. The upset stomach and sore gums has caused me to lose some weight. I have this urge to have my troubled teeth extracted in the second tri if the pain don't let up and hoping that it won't affect baby. You can read more about pregnancy gingivitis here.

Anyhow, so far, so good!! Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy!!

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