Wednesday 15 October 2014

So We're Pregnant...

I have to admit, the day we found out we were pregnant, we were more shocked and cautious than anything. It was a Saturday evening, and I took a pregnancy test because I was a day or two late (my period was regular for the past four months, so I get a bit anxious when it's late). Honestly, I took this test without any expectations (I think getting so many negative tests have numbed me to a possibility of a positive test result). In my mind, it will show negative and the next day Aunt Flow will be making her appearance and we'll be back on track. So I went ahead and took the test, left it in the toilet and left to take a shower. I returned from the shower in my towel to check the test, and lo and behold there's a faint line.

Now, I am no stranger to lines, I've purchased so many hpt's that I should be offered shares in the pee-on-a-stick company, also I've come across so many evap lines before that I had to call my hubby in to double check for me. He's response "Hey, that looks like a line." There was a quiet excitement, obviously we wanted to be certain that it was real and the plan was to test again in the morning. What really caught me, was the fact that I never ever got a line, evap or not, with the brand I was using that night.

Next morning arrives and off to the pharmacy we go to purchase two more tests (I had to hold a pee I woke up with till we got back). Took the both tests at the same time, and what do you know, more lines. But still, we contain our excitement, because the next day we'll be triple checking by doing bloods at the closest medi-cross.

Went in the morning, and got the results by early afternoon.

Congratulations!!! You are 4-5 weeks along!!

First people we told, were our parents. Naturally :) and I got roses that evening to celebrate :">

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