Tuesday 4 November 2014

Enjoying the pregnancy...

I am really starting to enjoy this pregnancy now, as I mentioned in the previous posts, I didn't enjoy my first trimester much. But now, feeling like myself again, I can sit back and really be in awe at the changes taking place in my body. My bump is showing, largely I might add, and at only (almost) 14 weeks, I feel little stirrings or flutters from time to time (have to be really still to feel it).

I can definitely feel something in the tummy, feels like a sac of water, especially when I lay down. I look at my body and find myself amazed at the map of veins all across it. These are not the little veins one sees here and there, these are the national roads of veins, think thick, deep blue rivers snaking in under the skin in all directions, and are very prominent after a shower.

People have been noticing a glow, and have mentioned it to me, I don't really see it, but I'll take their word for it :D.

All in all, the start of my second tri has been great so far and I can definitely see why moms out there say its the best time of the pregnancy. You feel great and really start to see the pregnancy coming to be. Lots of new experiences and developments are expected in this trimester and I'm really looking forward to to it :).

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