Friday 24 October 2014

What will it be?

As I'm gearing up for the second tri, I'm starting to become anxious and excited about what we're having.

For a long while, I was convinced that it will be a boy, but now, I'm not so sure. There's a 50/50 chance of either, right? Also, with everyone around me suddenly becoming gender predictors, nearly everyone with the exception of 1 or 2 people says it's going to be a boy. The gender predictors (family and friends) have been basing it on the symptoms I'm having, charts, where I'm showing the most, etc. Boy or girl, I'll love either just as much :x.

I've been reading about gender predictions and am surprised to find that there is such a thing as "Gender Disappointment." When hoping for a certain sex, only to find you'll be having the other. I think at some point we all hoped or are hoping for a certain gender, but I'm sure we'll love the other just as much. You can read more about gender disappointment here.

Well, hopefully, we'll know for sure in a couple of weeks when we do the Nuchal Scan. I'll ask the doc just to take a look down there as well.

You can see the TOP 10 Old Wives Tales to predict baby's gender here.

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