Tuesday 14 October 2014

Hello World...

Hey Guys...

I'm 29 year old Capetonian and I'm married to the most amazing man. We've been together collectively for about close to 8 years now, married for close to three. We are currently expecting our first baby (totally excited) and I can't wait to go through this journey and share my experience with all of you.

Let's start at the beginning of my journey. A few years back I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) (this was about a year into my marriage), even though I've known I had it since my teens based on my symptoms: irregular periods, oily skin, couldn't maintain a healthy weight etc.

I decided to ditch the first gynae I went to see who diagnosed me (he lacked interpersonal skills) and opted for a female gynae instead (who'm I'm still with). About over a year ago, she prescribed Clomid (I did not ovulate every month, if not at all) and this was suppose to help those little eggs burst through the ovary, and yes you get scheduled intercourse added to the mix as well. After my first cycle, I decided to stop the medication for various reasons; 1. I did not like the way I felt on the medication (really bad cramping) 2. It felt unnatural (esp with scheduled intercourse) 3. Around that time, I suffered Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) too.

After struggling for about a year and a half to conceive I realized that I firstly needed to look after myself before I can look after anyone else, especially a very dependent baby, and that when my journey of self discovery started.

My husband and I started on an eating plan, we managed to drop the weight and regain our energy but it was tough to maintain. Even though I don't follow the eating plan whole heartedly, I still abide by the low carb, low sugar, high protein basics as much as I can.

It's been close to a year since then, I've managed to drop and mantain my weight, I even managed to regulate my cycle, having a period every month instead of every 3-4 months.

For a while I was on Vitex, but stopped once I started getting my period regularly, thereafter I just stuck to a multivitamin, folic acid and omega oils as my daily supplements, I kept this up for 4 months before I conceived.

The month before I fell pregnant, I challenged myself to a month of no sugar, I think this was the icing on the cake for the little eggs, as the following month, we got the best news we've been waiting to receive for a long time... WE'RE PREGNANT!!!

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