Saturday 18 October 2014

Rash explosion on my face

Over the past week or two, I started noticing increased acne on my face. Predominantly on the forehead and cheeks.

Yesterday, I think some irritant just got to it because it started looking like an infestation and actually itches on certain spots. I thought I'd be spared the 'acne symptom' during this pregnancy, since I'm already a sufferer prior to getting pregnant. Figuring, maybe it'd the the complete opposite and I'll have dewy and smooth skin. Well, no such luck :( I now look like a pimply teen.

Ofcourse this has led to me searching the internet for natural remedies. So here's what I found:

Natural remedies
Let’s look at some simple natural remedies for acne treatment during pregnancy using easily available ingredients:
  • Water:- Water is known to do wonders for the skin, it is recommended that one drinks plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated and flush out any toxins that can cause acne. You should also wash your face frequently
  • Tea tree oil:- you can use tea tree oil to remove any blemishes or acne by applying it on the acne affected area.
  • Healthy diet:- One of the most important pregnancy related acne tip is to have a healthy diet, eat lots of fruits , vegetables and food high in fibre. Avoid oily, greasy and fatty food as it can worsen the pregnancy related acne.
  • Vitamins: Ensure that you have an adequate vitamin intake, vitamins A,E & B are good to help cure acne.
  • Milk:- Milk can help cure your pregnancy related acne, boil milk and add crushed nutmeg or powdered nutmeg to it and apply on the acne..
  • Lime juice:- Lime juice is known to be a great natural remedy for acne during pregnancy, Take one tbsp of freshly squeezed lime juice and mix with water and apply on the acne.
  • Papaya Juice:- Papaya juice is known to be a good natural remedy for acne during pregnancy.
  • Honey and cinnamon: mix honey and cinnamon powder and apply the paste to the acne, rinse after 30 minute with fresh warm water.
  • Garlic:- Garlic has many medicinal qualities and if rubbed on the acne it helps curing the acne pimples.
  • Tomato & cucumber paste: you can make a paste from tomato and cucumber and apply it on the affected skin.
  • Yellow fruits:- fruits like orange or mango can be made into a pulp and applied on the acne. This is a great remedy for acne during pregnancy.
Medications to avoid for treating acne during pregnancy
While acne is usually treated using drugs like accutane (can cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy), retin-A and tetracycline( causes inhibited bone growth and yellow teeth in the foetus), these medications can have a negative impact on a pregnant woman’s health and thus should be avoided during pregnancy, it is best advised to visit a physician and consult them if you do want to take any medication to treat acne during pregnancy.
While you can use natural remedies for treating acne during pregnancy, you can also take precautions like keeping your skin clean and healthy, avoiding oily or greasy makeup, avoid harsh cleansers that are astringent based etc.
You can try out the natural remedies and help get rid of your acne problem and also give you great smooth, glowing skin.

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