Tuesday 14 October 2014

Relax...Take It Easy...

I know that for some of you trying to conceive, these words have passed your ears a couple of times; "try not to think about it too much," "relax, it will happen, just be patient."

I must say, there is some element of truth in the sayings above. Once I shifted focus (obsession) from trying to get pregnant to working on myself, my mindset completely changed. I was no longer sad because of the struggle I was facing, I felt liberated. One day, while struggling to get out of bed (that's the CFS) at work, I prayed and said "Lord, I'm handing this over to you and I will start preparing and working on myself to receive this gift."

After that prayer I felt free, of depression, sadness and failure. I felt more relaxed and content, appreciating what I had; a home, a loving and adoring husband, family and friends and a job. So many times, we cannot see past the veil of our desires to truly realize how blessed we already are.

So for all the ladies out there who still trying to conceive, I know my struggle have not been as long as some of yours out there... but the disppointment and heartache was all the same. Don't give up hope!! When you shift your mindset and focus on being healthy, emotionaly, mentally and physically, the second line on the stick might show up sooner and unexpectedly.

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