Wednesday 26 November 2014


After enjoying weeks of nausea-free bliss, it strikes again. Not as bad as before, but it lingers. It's particularly worse when I'm hungry or when there's pressure on my burgeoning belly. Also, eating too much can make me feel sick.

So I'm not 100% radiant with the energy to boot, at least I can get stuff done (some of the time). Around the weekend, I took some days off from work and found myself sleeping for most of the first two days, only to wake up more tired than before. I'm not really a nap person, but these days, I've become a perpetual napper. I've never cherished sleep as much as I do now. (But I'll be proven wrong, says mothers that I've come across on my pregnancy journey, once baby's here, sleep will be elusive).

Last Thursday, hubby and I went in for our 16th week checkup with the gynae. She went through the results of the Nuchal scan, she was happy with the 14500 in 1 result. Also, blood test came back and I have no diseases that will harm baby, also found out my blood type is B+, which I never knew. Then we did the scan to confirm growth and solidify the gender of baby. She reckoned with tools showing up like that, there's no doubt that it's a boy. Baby's growing well too, currently 158g and about 12cm from head to rump.

I'm starting to feel uncomfortable, it's not all the time. The weight in my stomach is becoming more noticeable, as well as movement. He seems to be one active little baby all right. So for now, I'm enjoying the feeling of not having full discomfort yet.

Really excited now, can't wait to meet this little man, who's going to turn our lives upside down. :)

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