Friday 7 November 2014

Nuchal Scan and Gender Reveal

Hubby and I went in for the nuchal scan two days ago, and I'm relieved to say, all is well. At the beginning of our consultation (based on my age and blood tests) we had a 1 in 700 (which is already low risk) chance of having a Downes baby, but after the scan and measuring of the baby, the chances decreased even further, to 1 in 14000.

I was amazed to see how much baby has grown, as the last scan was done when I was 10 weeks and a bit, where all we could see was a torso, a big head and stumps for arms and legs. Now at almost 14 weeks, we saw arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes, stomach, skull, eye sockets, nose, mouth, etc, I could go on and on....We even caught baby sucking thumb.

And the activity within my womb was just astounding, baby was all over the place. The sonographer had to shake my stomach periodically to get baby to move into position to measure. And then came to good bit, the sonographer revealed that she's 70% certain it's a boy. From what I saw, it's definitely a boy, but we'll confirm in another two weeks again. His weight (98g) and size was spot on for his gestational age, sonographer says everything looks great, so we'll see her again on December 23 for the detailed anatomy scan.

For more information about Nuchal scans, please see link below:

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