Tuesday 11 November 2014

So long caffeine

After being a hardcore coffee addict, I find that now during my pregnancy, I cannot stand it. The smell, the taste even the colour puts me off completely. In the first few weeks after discovering we were pregnant, I was still having my cup (or three) a day. But once the nausea kicked in, I couldn't stand the smell. My workplace runs on caffeine, and at a certain time in the morning, everyone would head off to the kitchen to brew their coffee and bring it back to their desks, which was agony for me.

Now, it has eased a bit, I still can't stand drinking coffee but the smell is a bit more tolerable. I am glad I kicked the habit (involuntarily), as too much caffeine is not good for baby and can increase the risk of miscarriage.

For now, tea is my choice of hot brew, I'm trying to stay away from many herbal teas and just stick mainly to rooibos (redbush) tea. Rooibos is good because it has antioxidants, is caffeine-free, contains magnesium and calcium and its great for the digestive system, as well as easing colic and reflux.

You can read more about caffeine during pregnancy here.

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