Thursday 27 November 2014

Random Blabbering...

Since this pregnancy came to be, my (kinda) beauty regime has slacked (majorly). I've slowly returned to what I enjoyed doing previously. I've started exfoliating and masking my skin about twice a week, and I have to admit, my acne has lessened dramatically. (So far, pregnancy has not been kind to my skin). Getting my face in shape is important since I've started wearing makeup again. Last night, I pulled out some of my fave makeup items and took it work to apply there. I've also made a stop at Clicks during my lunch today with a colleague and ended up buying a peachy blush and an all in one powder. Really excited to start using it.

My aim is to get through as much of my makeup as I can, as I want to reduce my stash. Right now, alot of my accessories and makeup is stored in what will be baby's room. So, no more makeup purchases, the powder and blush is to be my last buys for now. thereafter, I'll invest in some fave items. I've got some unnecessary makeup but will have fun with getting through it.

I need to start looking out for maternity pants. I've been gaining and ballooning in the stomach, but my legs remain skinny, therefore, I need a belt to hold it up, which is not good for the stomach as the belt digs into it. Leggings and tights in a size larger than I need is a life saver for me right now. Soon I need to get more tops and blouses too. I'll probably pull out some of hubby's old tee's for at home. I do not want to spend to much on maternity wear. Most of my clothes are loose fitting, so let's see how far I get with those.

Also, I started on different preggie vitamins, called Pregomega Plus, it's my second day on it. I started taking it around midday yesterday, I was surprised that I wasn't as dead as I thought I'd be around the evening side. So let's see what happens for the rest of the week. It consist of the different tablets, a multivitamin, calcium and omega oils. You take the multivitamin in the morning and the calcium and omega tabs in the evening.

Oh yes and baby C has been growing and getting stronger lately. Movements that felt like flutters now, feel like nudges and pokes and are really noticeable. He's particularly busy after I've showered and I've settle into bed.

So there you have it, just a tidbit about my day and thoughts so far.

Ciao for now!

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