Saturday 29 November 2014

Pregnancy Apps

I've found pregnancy apps for my phone really useful thus far in my pregnancy. It updates me with the week to week development of baby C, as well as the changes my body's going through. Also, I love it when I open up the app, it let's me know the size of the baby at that stage. Therefore, I've decided to share the ones I'm currently using as I find it a great source of information:

Mediclinic Baby App: 

This pregnancy app is designed to provide comprehensive, easy-to-use information on each stage of this nine-month adventure. Its features include weekly updates of what you can expect as your body changes and your baby grows, frequently asked questions, a weight tracker, a contraction timer, a calendar and a photo-to-video function.

Babycenter My Pregnancy Today App:  

BabyCenter My Pregnancy Today is the most comprehensive daily pregnancy app from the world's most trusted pregnancy and parenting resource. Simply enter your baby's due date, and BabyCenter My Pregnancy Today turns your phone into an expert guide for each day of your pregnancy. Feel more prepared for your baby's birth and get the answers you need, whenever you need them.

Breathlessness at 17 weeks

I've been getting out of breath lately for the most menial things, walking a bit, getting up, sometimes even talking. Funny thing is, I didn't really notice until hubby mentioned to me, he asked my why I was breathing so heavily, and I took it down to my sinus acting up again. But then, last night I came across a Youtube video which explains what happens to a pregnant woman's body when organs start to shift up. You can have a look for yourself below:

Amazing isn't it!?!?

And it all goes back to normal some weeks after baby;s born. For now, hubby has aptly nicknamed me 'Squashedlungs.' LOL.

Other factors also contribute to breathlessness, I've included an article below explaining the other factors below:

Is breathlessness in pregnancy common?

Breathlessness is very common in pregnancy. About three quarters of pregnant women who've never felt breathless before feel short of breath at some point.

You may start to feel breathless in your first trimester or second trimester, and it may be scary at first. If you have gained a lot of weight in pregnancy, or are expecting twins or more, you may feel particularly breathless. 

Why does pregnancy cause breathlessness?

Breathlessness in pregnancy happens because of the natural changes that your body goes through to adapt itself to carrying your baby. 

In early pregnancy, you become broader around your ribcage and may struggle to fit into your tighter-fitting tops. This is because your ribcage moves up and outwards while you're pregnant, to give you a greater lung capacity. 

The pregnancy hormone progesterone also makes your body adapt the way it absorbs oxygen in your bloodstream via your lungs . As a result, your body becomes much more sensitive to the levels of carbon dioxide that you breathe out.

These changes mean that your body does a better job of processing oxygen and carbon dioxide. You're breathing at the same rate as you did before you conceived, but much more deeply each time, which may be why you feel breathless. Some mums-to-be are more aware of this change and feel more breathless than others

Towards the end of your third trimester, the size of your growing baby can also make you breathless. At this stage, your uterus (womb) really begins to push upwards into the sheet of muscle that lies under your ribcage (diaphragm), which then presses on your lungs. You'll probably feel some breathlessness at this stage if you haven't before, especially if you're carrying your baby high. 

Though you might not enjoy huffing and puffing as you go up a short flight of stairs, don't worry. This sort of breathlessness is normal and completely harmless. 

How long will my breathlessness last?

If you're pregnant for the first time, your baby is likely to drop down into your pelvis (engage) from about 36 weeks. This is when your breathlessness might ease. If you've had a baby before, your baby may not engage until the end of your pregnancy. 

If you've still got a while to go, try some light exercise. Being unfit will make you feel breathless, so a gentle workout can help you to feel less breathless in the long-runGentle exercise means still being able to hold a conversation while exercising, without getting out of breath

Your baby will get plenty of oxygen while you work out because of the pregnancy changes your body has gone through.

After you've had your baby, your levels of the hormone progesterone plummet, which will immediately relieve the pressure on your diaphragm and uterus. However, it can take a few months for the changes to your ribcage and breathing system to return to how it was before pregnancy

When should I be concerned about shortness of breath?

Some breathlessness is common during pregnancy. But you should call your doctor or midwife immediately if you notice other symptoms, such as:
  • a feeling that your heartbeat is racing, irregular or is missing a beat (palpitations)
  • severe breathlessness, or feeling faint after a burst of activity
  • chest pain, especially if it starts when you exert yourself
  • difficulty breathing when you're lying down, or at night
Breathlessness and tiredness can also be a sign that your iron levels are low (anaemia). If you are anaemic, your body has to work harder to provide enough oxygen for you and your baby. Ask your midwife for a blood test, if you've not had one recently. 

If you have asthma, talk about your condition with your doctor or midwife. The risks to you and your baby of not controlling your asthma are much greater than the risks of taking asthma medication during pregnancy

Will my breathlessness hurt my baby?

As long as you haven't got any other worrying symptoms, feeling breathless is completely normal during pregnancy, and won't harm your baby. Even if it doesn't feel like it, you're actually breathing deeply and efficiently, so your baby can get the oxygenated blood he needs. 

Thursday 27 November 2014

Random Blabbering...

Since this pregnancy came to be, my (kinda) beauty regime has slacked (majorly). I've slowly returned to what I enjoyed doing previously. I've started exfoliating and masking my skin about twice a week, and I have to admit, my acne has lessened dramatically. (So far, pregnancy has not been kind to my skin). Getting my face in shape is important since I've started wearing makeup again. Last night, I pulled out some of my fave makeup items and took it work to apply there. I've also made a stop at Clicks during my lunch today with a colleague and ended up buying a peachy blush and an all in one powder. Really excited to start using it.

My aim is to get through as much of my makeup as I can, as I want to reduce my stash. Right now, alot of my accessories and makeup is stored in what will be baby's room. So, no more makeup purchases, the powder and blush is to be my last buys for now. thereafter, I'll invest in some fave items. I've got some unnecessary makeup but will have fun with getting through it.

I need to start looking out for maternity pants. I've been gaining and ballooning in the stomach, but my legs remain skinny, therefore, I need a belt to hold it up, which is not good for the stomach as the belt digs into it. Leggings and tights in a size larger than I need is a life saver for me right now. Soon I need to get more tops and blouses too. I'll probably pull out some of hubby's old tee's for at home. I do not want to spend to much on maternity wear. Most of my clothes are loose fitting, so let's see how far I get with those.

Also, I started on different preggie vitamins, called Pregomega Plus, it's my second day on it. I started taking it around midday yesterday, I was surprised that I wasn't as dead as I thought I'd be around the evening side. So let's see what happens for the rest of the week. It consist of the different tablets, a multivitamin, calcium and omega oils. You take the multivitamin in the morning and the calcium and omega tabs in the evening.

Oh yes and baby C has been growing and getting stronger lately. Movements that felt like flutters now, feel like nudges and pokes and are really noticeable. He's particularly busy after I've showered and I've settle into bed.

So there you have it, just a tidbit about my day and thoughts so far.

Ciao for now!

Wednesday 26 November 2014


After enjoying weeks of nausea-free bliss, it strikes again. Not as bad as before, but it lingers. It's particularly worse when I'm hungry or when there's pressure on my burgeoning belly. Also, eating too much can make me feel sick.

So I'm not 100% radiant with the energy to boot, at least I can get stuff done (some of the time). Around the weekend, I took some days off from work and found myself sleeping for most of the first two days, only to wake up more tired than before. I'm not really a nap person, but these days, I've become a perpetual napper. I've never cherished sleep as much as I do now. (But I'll be proven wrong, says mothers that I've come across on my pregnancy journey, once baby's here, sleep will be elusive).

Last Thursday, hubby and I went in for our 16th week checkup with the gynae. She went through the results of the Nuchal scan, she was happy with the 14500 in 1 result. Also, blood test came back and I have no diseases that will harm baby, also found out my blood type is B+, which I never knew. Then we did the scan to confirm growth and solidify the gender of baby. She reckoned with tools showing up like that, there's no doubt that it's a boy. Baby's growing well too, currently 158g and about 12cm from head to rump.

I'm starting to feel uncomfortable, it's not all the time. The weight in my stomach is becoming more noticeable, as well as movement. He seems to be one active little baby all right. So for now, I'm enjoying the feeling of not having full discomfort yet.

Really excited now, can't wait to meet this little man, who's going to turn our lives upside down. :)

Tuesday 18 November 2014


I'm fast approaching my 16th week and I'm starting to feel movement in my belly. especially when I lay on my sides. Most of the time when it happens, I don't realise until the last few movements.

Some women start feeling fetal movements as early as 16 weeks (but like I said, most of the time you won't notice until later), and this goes for first time mommy to be's. So I've included some more information about this topic below, Enjoy!:

Some moms can feel their babies move as early as 13-16 weeks from the start of their last period. These first fetal movements are called quickening and are often described as flutters. It may be difficult to determine whether this feeling is gas or your baby’s movements, but soon you will begin to notice a pattern. First-time moms may not feel these movements as early as second-time moms.
Some moms, especially those in their first pregnancy, may not feel movement until 18-20 weeks. Remember that each woman and each pregnancy is different, so you may not feel movement as early as another woman. There is a broad range of when the first detection of movement can be felt, ranging from 13-25 weeks.

Why Does My Baby Move?

As your baby is continuing to develop he/she will stretch and flex his/her limbs. As you get further along in your pregnancy, you will begin to feel more obvious movements, such as kicking, punching, and rolling. Your baby may also move as he/she responds to noise or to your emotions. If your baby finds a position that you are in to be uncomfortable, he/she may also begin to squirm. Certain foods you eat could also cause your baby to be more active, and you may notice that he/she follows a sleeping/waking cycle.

How Often Should My Baby Move?

As you get further along in your pregnancy, you will need to keep track of how often your baby moves each day. Sometime in the third trimester you may notice that your baby’s movements are more frequent and vigorous and occur in a regular pattern. Though movements are still regular, they may decrease after week 32 because the baby is bigger and more restricted in the uterus.
Beginning with week 28, it is beneficial to begin counting your baby’s movements. This will help you to identify potential problems and can also be a great bonding experience between you and your baby. Using a kick count chart can be very helpful. When counting your baby’s movements choose the same time each day. It might be easiest to lie on your left side and record how long it takes to feel 10 movements. For further information about recording movements see kick counts.

What Should I Do If I Don’t Feel My Baby Moving?

If you have been keeping a chart of your baby’s movements and you notice a significant deviation in the pattern, contact your health care provider. If you do not feel 10 movements within 2 hours, try again later that day. If you still do not feel 10 movements within 2 hours, you should contact your healthcare provider.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Pregnancy Loves...Part 1

There are items I've found very useful in my pregnancy thus far, and the products in the image above are some I just love.

Nivea Irrisistibly Smooth Body lotion (Shea Butter) - This is amazing lotion!! I have verrrrry dry skin (particular the body) my face is another story (I battle oily skin) and since being pregnant, I was advised to stop using a medicated soap (which contains salicylic acid) due to limited research on its effect on pregnant women (it's illegal to test products on pregnant women). Therefore, I switched to an ultra hydrating lotion and this one really does the trick. Keeps skin moisturised all day, and at the end of the day when I have my shower, I can still feel how smooth and supple my skin is because of the lotion. This is definitely a great buy, plus it contains shea butter. I purchased mine at Clicks for R36.99 for 400ml.

Oh So Heavenly! Mum & Cherub Belly Butter - This is a great buy if you're on a budget. Retails exclusively at Clicks for only R29.99 and has a luxurious formula that alleviates dry and itchy skin, it contains Argan Oil which is great for restoring skin. I must admit, I stopped using it for a while during the first trimester, due to the smell, but continued using it again recently. It also contains lanolin , omega oils and a combination of vitamins.

Oh So Heavenly! Mum & Cherub Revive and Revitalise Foot Spray - This will be a lifesaver during summer, as I do walk alot, I've used it a few times when needed and it definitely had soothing effect on my legs and feet. This spray too, contains Argan Oil and special soothing ingredients. You can get the spray at Clicks for a measly R19.99. I love the Oh So Heavenly! range for it's quality products and very affordable prices.

Word of caution though, if your battling with morning sickness, the floral scent of this range might cause some nausea during continued use (just my experience with it for a while).

BON Liquid Gold Pure Tissue Oil - I love this local brand, the tissue oil contains avocado, grapeseed oil, rosehip oil, vitamin E and is suitable for sensitive skin. It's not greasy at all, and is great for applying just before you get dressed. The little pen packaging is really convenient and the application is easy, it's available at all Clicks stores at R19.99. If you would like to know more about this local brand, you can check out their website here.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Maternity latest love

Snuggletime - Body Comfort Pillow available on

In the very early days of my first trimester, hubby bought me a maternity pillow. I used it for a few nights back then but it was not a complete necessity (then). Now, I love it, my stomach is getting bigger and the gravitational pull when laying on my side is quite uncomfortable at night. So, I'm glad we invested in one ahead of time.

It offers great back support as well as alleviate strain on the neck and muscles. Normal pillows would do the job as well, but not as efficiently. And what's great about the pillow is, once the pregnancy is done, you can use it for baby to nurse on, or even fold it into a little bed for him to rest on.

I definitely think it's a good investment, as I can't afford to be uncomfortable and lose sleep at night.

I've listed some stockist of these pillows below:

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Stocking up...Part 1

The pic above is a start. At first I didn't know where to begin when it came to stocking up for baby, so I started with some wipes and a pack of nappies.

I'm a bit apprehensive about buying nappies, as I don't know what my baby will react to, what will work, what won't. I've heard by many that Huggies Gold is the way to go, also Pampers Premium is good as well. So I'll invest in both and hope I have a baby that's happy in both.

Pick n Pay Hypers are currently running a baby promotion until the end of November, where the J&J Sentitive wipes value packs(fragranced and non-fragrance) 240s are R59.99. I managed to grab two packs on the day the promo started and found that they've been out of stock since.

You can see the PnP baby promo catalogue here.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get more packs before the promo ends. The weekend before the promo started, I purchased the very same pack at Clicks for R79.99, that was a bummer.

Finding the best deals has always been important to me, and now being pregnant, that has not changed. Especially now that we'll have to buy baby stuff in bulk. There are many baby in-store programs around now too. I'm currently registered with Clicks BabyClub, which will send what seems to be quarterly newsletters and vouchers, you can earn extra points on baby items purchased, access to the PaedIQ website and they have a vaccination sms reminder service.

I also intend to sign up for Dischem Baby as I plan to buy baby's toiletries there, and if you've signed up and purchase items to the value of R300 or more, you'll get a free baby bag (Yaaaay, more freebies). Their benefits are:

  • Double Points are awarded to Dis-Chem Baby cardholders every alternate Wednesday on all Baby products (excluding prescription medication).
  • Dis-Chem Baby members will be eligible for special offers, in-store events, bonus points, exclusive promotions and a fabulous Benefits magazine every quarter.
  • Dis-Chem Baby members can look forward to regular newsletters with informative information on Pregnancy and Childcare.
  • Immunisation Reminders
  • The Dis-Chem Baby website will offer information from fertility & pregnancy to child birth and child care.
  • Dis-Chem Baby cardholders will receive discounts from our partners on services relevant to pregnancy and childcare
  • Dis-Chem Baby members will be eligible to take part in Website competitions
  • Baby Wellness clinics can be found in most stores and our trained clinic sisters can offer you advice on many topics including breastfeeding and vaccinating your baby.
  • You will have access to pregnancy, baby and toddler advice through our website, our Benefits magazine and Baby Wellness Clinics in store, plus some fantastic offers and money off the things you really need.
  • Through your membership and participation you will be making a positive contribution to the Dis-Chem Foundation
taken from

Tuesday 11 November 2014

So long caffeine

After being a hardcore coffee addict, I find that now during my pregnancy, I cannot stand it. The smell, the taste even the colour puts me off completely. In the first few weeks after discovering we were pregnant, I was still having my cup (or three) a day. But once the nausea kicked in, I couldn't stand the smell. My workplace runs on caffeine, and at a certain time in the morning, everyone would head off to the kitchen to brew their coffee and bring it back to their desks, which was agony for me.

Now, it has eased a bit, I still can't stand drinking coffee but the smell is a bit more tolerable. I am glad I kicked the habit (involuntarily), as too much caffeine is not good for baby and can increase the risk of miscarriage.

For now, tea is my choice of hot brew, I'm trying to stay away from many herbal teas and just stick mainly to rooibos (redbush) tea. Rooibos is good because it has antioxidants, is caffeine-free, contains magnesium and calcium and its great for the digestive system, as well as easing colic and reflux.

You can read more about caffeine during pregnancy here.

Monday 10 November 2014

Birthing Options

Right now, I have normal vaginal birth as my delivery option. But I keep wavering between that and caesearian. I'd want normal birth because its the most natural approach to birthing, they way its been done for years and years, but I have to say, the draw of efficiency brings me to caeser. You'll know when baby will be delivered, no waiting for what could take hours and hours. So I've been scouring the net and found that both has its pros and cons. Here's what I found:

Pros of vaginal birth
With vaginal birth, women can expect a shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery time, as vaginal birth is less surgically intensive and doesn't scar. Any subsequent births are less likely to require a C-section as well as being quicker and shorter. Vaginal births are also less risky for the mother, as less interference from the hospital staff means a lower chance of an emergency scenario for the mother. According to the American Pregnancy Association, the mortality risk for mothers is much lower in vaginal births.
For the baby, there are a number of benefits. Because they are able to come when they are ready, as the body begins the process naturally, the baby is more likely to be finished maturing and developing. Passing through the vaginal opening also expels the amniotic fluid in the baby's lungs. The baby also picks up protective bacteria that they ingest, helping them form more balanced immune systems as the bacteria colonizes in their intestines.

Cons of vaginal birth
Because vaginal births are more dependent on the mother's body, there isn't really a way to schedule the labor and delivery. The mother may feel more stress and anxiety as the uncertainty of labor looms. Vaginal birth also increases the risk of incontinence for the mother, as well as sexual problems in the first few months after the birth. For the baby, risk of birth trauma increases, due to the passage through the birth canal and the possible need for forceps.

Cesarean section
A C-section occurs when the baby is delivered via an incision through the abdominal wall and uterus, instead of passing through the vagina naturally. The CDC reported that more than 1 in 4 women are likely to have a C-section, making the procedure increasingly popular. According to the National Institutes of Health, the rate of C-sections has increased nearly 50 percent since 1996 in the United States. Because it is a major surgical procedure, the risks can be higher than a vaginal birth. However, there are a number of benefits as well.
C-section benefits
The ability to schedule a C-section can give the mother peace of mind, as she knows exactly when she will be giving birth. She is less likely to suffer from incontinence, and will not suffer the same sexual problems that woman who give vaginal birth suffer from in the first few months after birth. The baby is less likely to suffer birth trauma that can happen with forceps or vacuum extraction.

Cons of a C-section
Because C-sections do not occur when the baby is ready to come, there is the possibility of pre-term delivery if the mother's due date has been calculated incorrectly. As a surgical procedure, there is a risk of damage to the mother's organs, as well as increased blood loss and complications from anesthesia. The mother is also more susceptible to infection and blood clots. There is a slightly higher mortality rate for the mother and twice the risk of infant mortality.
After the surgery, the mother might suffer from decreased bowel function. Because she needs to recover from the surgery, there is a longer hospital stay and recovery period. This can lead to complications with breastfeeding, and take a mental toll on the mother, increasing the chance of postpartum depression. The scar tissue can also present problems in future pregnancies, increasing the chance of complications.

What's the right choice?
Because birth is a deeply personal experience that varies from person to person, you need to choose the process that best fits you. Talk it over with your healthcare professional and come up with a birthing plan that takes all risks and benefits into account.
Taken from:

Saturday 8 November 2014

Freebies & Samples...Discovery Baby Bag

BeingMom pregnancy pack
Who likes freebies and samples!?!? I DO!! ;) Once I reached one of the first pregnancy milestones, 9 weeks, I received a little welcome bag from my gynae's office which included the following:

- Bio Oil Scan album (which I love, because I use to stick scans to the fridge)
- Mediclinic baby Pregnancy journal
- A chart with all the milestones  the baby will reach in the 9 months
- Emergancy cards
- various sample size products, bennets bum cream, dove soap etc.

The goodies bags were sponsored by BeingMom.

Discovery Baby Bag Items

I also recently collected the Discovery Baby bag at the Toys r Us in Bellville. As part of the Discovery Baby benefit with Vitality, Discovery provides you with a bag filled with baby goodies. You can read more about it here.

In the Discovery Baby bag:

- Nuk Orthopedic pacifier
- Baby beanie and two pairs of booties
- A Babysense taglet
- White Discovery fleece receiving blanket
- Huggies Newborn nappies (sample pack of 6 nappies)
- Discovery sun shades x2
-  Sample items, J&J Top-to-toe, J&J aqueous cream and Bennets bum cream
- A vaccination schedule card
- Vouchers: 4 x 10% off Huggies nappies voucher and 60% off Nania carseat voucher

Stuff for Mommy too:

- Cariwell maternity pad x1
- Cariwell maternity panties x1
- Tommee Tippee breast pads x6

The Discovery Vitality bag

When you give birth at a Mediclinic Hospital, you receive a Mother and Baby bag as well with all the baby toiletry essentials:

Mediclinic Mother and Baby bag
You can find out more about the Mediclinic Mother and Baby bag here.

Friday 7 November 2014

Nuchal Scan and Gender Reveal

Hubby and I went in for the nuchal scan two days ago, and I'm relieved to say, all is well. At the beginning of our consultation (based on my age and blood tests) we had a 1 in 700 (which is already low risk) chance of having a Downes baby, but after the scan and measuring of the baby, the chances decreased even further, to 1 in 14000.

I was amazed to see how much baby has grown, as the last scan was done when I was 10 weeks and a bit, where all we could see was a torso, a big head and stumps for arms and legs. Now at almost 14 weeks, we saw arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes, stomach, skull, eye sockets, nose, mouth, etc, I could go on and on....We even caught baby sucking thumb.

And the activity within my womb was just astounding, baby was all over the place. The sonographer had to shake my stomach periodically to get baby to move into position to measure. And then came to good bit, the sonographer revealed that she's 70% certain it's a boy. From what I saw, it's definitely a boy, but we'll confirm in another two weeks again. His weight (98g) and size was spot on for his gestational age, sonographer says everything looks great, so we'll see her again on December 23 for the detailed anatomy scan.

For more information about Nuchal scans, please see link below:

Tuesday 4 November 2014



Enjoying the pregnancy...

I am really starting to enjoy this pregnancy now, as I mentioned in the previous posts, I didn't enjoy my first trimester much. But now, feeling like myself again, I can sit back and really be in awe at the changes taking place in my body. My bump is showing, largely I might add, and at only (almost) 14 weeks, I feel little stirrings or flutters from time to time (have to be really still to feel it).

I can definitely feel something in the tummy, feels like a sac of water, especially when I lay down. I look at my body and find myself amazed at the map of veins all across it. These are not the little veins one sees here and there, these are the national roads of veins, think thick, deep blue rivers snaking in under the skin in all directions, and are very prominent after a shower.

People have been noticing a glow, and have mentioned it to me, I don't really see it, but I'll take their word for it :D.

All in all, the start of my second tri has been great so far and I can definitely see why moms out there say its the best time of the pregnancy. You feel great and really start to see the pregnancy coming to be. Lots of new experiences and developments are expected in this trimester and I'm really looking forward to to it :).