Wednesday 31 December 2014

Detailed Scan and randoms

Last week, hubby and I, visited the fetal clinic for the 20-23 weeks detailed scan, and I'm glad to say, baba's all cleared. Looks like the organs are functioning and growth is happening at the rate it should. He currently weighs about 405g, just a little over what he should at this time, but growing nonetheless. 

The Sonographer tried to a 4D scan of his face, but the position he was in that day didn't allow for it. He's face was too close to the placenta, and it was causing shadows over his face. But anyhow, just glad that he's doing well. The Sonographer did have concerns about the placenta lying directly over the cervix, and noted that my gynae should keep an eye on this. Upon further research, I found that this is called Placenta Previa, and should it persist, I won't be able to give natural birth but will need to have a c-section. According to a previous post I had (Birthing Options) I wasn't sure which option I'd want to do, but I've come to the decision that I'd like to have natural birth. So here's to hoping the placenta moves up over the next 4 months.

Also, I've slowly been stocking up on baby supplies, adding to what I've previously purchased. I've amassed some baby clothing for the first few months, blankets and toiletries. We got our first baby gift over Christmas, a Chelino Baby Carrier, from the in-laws. I've decided to purchase one baby item each time we visit the stores (which is often) and have gotten quite far with the baby collection.

The new year starts off with getting baby's room ready, we've decided not to do a full-on nursery, instead opting for a toddler room. The campcot (gift from my mom) will be in our room at first. 

This Christmas season has not been kind weight wise, Since my weightloss in the first trimester, I have gained about 8kg (which I am really feeling). Prompting new years resolutions to healthy eating, because I can definitely feel this weight and the breathlessness that comes along with it.

So happy new year everyone!!! And to all the mama's expecting their little bundles of joy this coming year. Wishing you all the best and a healthy and safe delivery. :D

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