Sunday 7 December 2014

Almost halfway there...

Wow guys, I'm almost halfway through this pregnancy already, it's amazing how fast it's gone!! When I check my blog page, I always glimpse at the countdown timer in days to the right of the page. It's kind of scary, as it counts down the days to the arrival of Baby C. Yeah, scary and exciting. Exciting, because I can't wait for him to get here and be in my arms but scary too, because I feel like everything or I won't be ready when he does come. I guess it feels scary too as I'm going to be a first time mom. 

Also, there's still so much to do...

  • We have to tackle the spare room which is to be his room. Currently it's serving as a store room and filled to the brim with stuff. So there's sorting and getting rid of items to be done, painting, and filling it with soon to be Baby C's stuff.
  • Then, we need to stock up. I've been unbelievably laxed about stockpiling. Had this been a few years back, everything would've been done and bought already. Maybe it's good thing that I'm not overwhelming myself, the way I would've back then. I plan on doing baby toiletry shopping next month, so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully there are great baby promotions out there around that time.
  • Getting through all these antenatal visits. Since my gynae schedules the appointments for the rest of the pregnancy, you'll know when you have to go in and I've calculated about 9 visits to her alone, excluding the 2 visits to Panorama Mediclinic for the Nuchal and Detailed Anatomy scan.
  • Then there's a babyshower too, which right now I don't feel up to. Actually, not sure how I feel about it. Will let you know when the time comes.

Anyhoo, there's more stuff to do, but it escapes me now.

Lately I've been experiencing coccyx and lower back pains, it's not all the time (thankfully) but can be really uncomfortable when it does rear up. Also, sneezing, I found lately that I have the most forceful sneezes. The ones you can't keep in for fear that you might rupture or burst a spleen or artery.

So, yes, I'm entering the second half of this journey and I'm really getting excited. Can't wait to see and hold him. I've been watching alot of Youtube baby vids. Everything from diapering, burping, breastfeeding etc. I know the vids cannot really compare to actually doing it, but it's nice to have an idea of what it should look or be like.

So here's to a happy and healthy second half to this pregnancy!! <:-p

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