Tuesday 31 March 2015

35 weeks...we're almost there.

Hey Guys,

Looks like I'm in the home stretch, and I can defintely feel it. The changes are so rapid, one day I'll be fine and the next I feel like I'm carrying a bowling in my stomach. But it's ok, it's expected, I know the last stretch is not going to be smooth sailing, my Gynae warned me that I will be in more discomfort the closer we get to my due date. 

So here were are, 5 weeks away and I'm so excited, even with the discomfort, I look forward to holding my little boy soon. Speaking of the little one, he's doing well, at the last appointment at 32 weeks, he weighed just under 2kgs, and is engaged (head down in the pelvis). His movements have been abrupt and startling to say the least, I can definitely feel that he has grown, especially when he stretches, it feels like he wants to burst out of my skin, the tightness and alien like movement under my skin is very uncomfortable. The new trend lately is being poked in the ribs. The hiccups has not stopped as well, nowadays, my stomach will bounce up and down and its quite noticeable.

Also, I find that I get Braxton Hicks contractions regularly, especially if I'm in an awkward position, like bending or squatting. Sometimes the contractions stops me in my tracks, and I'll have to wait for it to pass. My feet too has started aching, I've been living in my flip flops this past summer and haven't had much trouble with my feet. But now, at the end of the day, they're all achy and puffy. I find putting my feet up and drinking water really does help for the swelling, especially if I've been on my feet for a while. Foot rubs are great too (my hubby has become quite acquainted with my feet over this pregnancy).

Then there's the backaches, I guess with your back supporting all this weight, its bound to take strain. From time to time, I'd get tailbone pain and lately a new development: Upperback pain. Frequent urination has me up 2-3 times a night too.

I can't wait for the day I no longer have to use my preggie pillow to sleep through the night, initially it was heaven sent, but now that I've become bulky and the pillow itself being bulky, its quite a mission moving around it at night. But need it I do, otherwise I'll wake up with butt and back pain.

I can't believe that we're so close to the end, after all the antenatal visits, checkups and scans, we're almost at the finish line and I can hardly wait. :D

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