Thursday 19 February 2015

Rhinitis during pregnancy...

During the first trimester I had a short bout of allergies issues, which cleared up and never became a problem again until about 27 weeks.

Anything would trigger my allergies, perfumes, dusts (didn't help that we experienced strong winds and little sand storms) and I'd end up with a stuffy and runny nose (normally I end up with nasal drip). Luckily I was due for a visit to my gynae the following week and I asked her what could help alleviate my symptoms (previously pharmacist would only recommend saline sprays, and only a prescription from my gynae would allow them to give me any other meds). She prescribed Rhinocort Aqua nasal spray, and I am so happy she did. After a full's day use, I did not have any more sneezing fits even in the midst of overpowering perfumes and dusty locations. Hubby swears my snoring became non existent over the past couple of the nights as well, so I'm not to sure if it helped with the swelling of the sinus as well.

Though a little pricey, it's definitely well worth the price for the relief it brings and one of the few meds/sprays safe to use during pregnancy.

Thursday 12 February 2015

28 weeks and counting...

Hey guys!

I know I've been off the blogging scene for a while, and I apologize, but I'm back and have lots to share.

Firstly, hitting the 28 week mark, closing in on the 30's. I'm quite excited and as each week draws closer and closer, I get more eager to meet my little guy. Right now he move's a crazy lot, but I like it, he makes me cringe sometimes with his acrobat movements but I wouldn't have it any other way.

We saw the gynae recently for the latest checkup (Hubby's been amazing, been to every appointment with me thus far), and she said we're looking great. My urine is clean and blood pressure is low, baba's growing and is at the average weight (1080g) for his fetal age, she measured his foot and it was 6cm long, I even have a scan image of it. Also, she says he's sprouted quite the head of hair, which explains the crazy heartburn I've been getting on and off (old wives tales, I know). 

So, what have we done so far?

We've managed to paint the little guy's room, we went with a lovely, fresh mint color (called Mint Icecream). It's a nice and calm colour. I've done a baby haul, of saftey first products, seeing as I will be home with baby during winter, he'll be prone to the sniffles. I also bought some cute baby grows and vests, bibs, socks, booties etc. will post pics soon.

My transition into the third tri has been a bit rough, I've been experiencing bad back pain, (and turning out my kitchen does not help this problem), especially when laying or sitting down for a while. Luckily, hubby with his great massage skills gave me a back massage recently which helped tremendously. So it seems that hubby's hands will be busy until little guy get's here. My sinus have been acting up, things that didn't bother me before, now triggers sniffles and sneezes instantly. And with baby gaining weight, I've been feeling it all in my lower back and lower abdomen, causing roung ligament pains.

A spot of good news though, I've only had one major nose bleed and managed to get my swollen and bleeding gums under control with a natural aloe and propolis toothpaste. I have gained about 13kg since the weightloss of the first tri, I'm hoping to keep my sugar levels under control for the sake of myself and baby. So cutting out sugary and high carb foods will be essential for me in this last trimester.

 All in all, I'm so happy and grateful that so far this pregnancy has gone smoothly besides the little discomforts here and there.

So onwards towards week 30's!!!! :D