Tuesday 14 April 2015

Almost 37 weeks...

Ok, now time is starting to stretch guys. I have 7 working days left until maternity leave (hallelujah!).
But those days are dragging on, and the discomfort is escalating.

I recently went for my latest checkup and my gynae measured baby C at 3.1kgs at 36w5d (meaning he gained a whopping 1.2kg over the last 2.5 - 3 weeks), also, after doing an internal exam (I normally have a high pain and discomfort threshold, but damn that hurt) turns out he has decended further into my pelvis, leaving me unable to walk at times, the pain can be intense, especially when your bladder fills. I find that a warm bath does soothe it though. Also, I find that I have more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions, and they've intensified too.

Seeing that my little chubby monster has gained quite a bit over the last few weeks, my doc reckoned that should he gain about 400-500g over the next 2 weeks (which is very likely, ok, probably will happen) then I will have to go in for induction, since allowing me to go full term might cause baby to get much bigger. I'm kinda excited, having an exact date and all, gives me time to prep properly.

I still need to complete the hospital bags, baby's bag is all set, just need to get mine in order. Can't believe I'm so close to the end, really excited to meet my little fatty and just cuddle. Hubby's excited as well, with some nerves, but I guess one of use need to have some nerves. I just want to hold my little boy. Soon.